Saturday, December 29, 2007

Xmas Gathering at Auntie Adria's House

We had another gathering at Auntie Adria's house again and this time round it's xmas gathering!!

There were lotsa of food and lotsa of presents. All the aunties gave me presents and Im very very happy to receive all the presents. Muack Muack to all the aunties! :)

We arrived at 1pm plus and stayed until 8.30pm. Everybody was tired but all had an enjoyable day. As usual, I get to play with my friends and busy trying to kaypoh here and there

Let me show u some pics....

Nobody is playing with me, that's why im sitting alone with the ball..

Everybody seems to be busy with something

Im trying to stop daryl from drinking this cold drink. Apparently he gets angry with me after that!