Today is lantern festival and my mummy brought me downstairs to take a stroll and carry lantern. Well, im not really enjoying myself coz I dun really like to carry lantern and I kept stepping on the lantern. Im more interested in the cats that happened to pass by....Anyway we took a slow stroll and returned home shortly after
On the way home we passed by a pavillion and we saw lanterns hanging all over...wah really got the atmosphere wor...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Lantern Festival
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A piano for me to play
Auntie Joanne had kindly lend me daryl's piano to play and I really love to play this piano. I like all the songs played on the piano and sometimes I even danced to the tune if my mood is good.
However the piano's height is abit awkward for me...if i stand to play the piano, the height is too short for me...if i sit to play the piano, the height is abit high for i guess the best position is to squat and play the piano though my legs turn "sour" after sometime...
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I'm taking a ride!! Anybody wants to join??
Actually Daddy and Mummy bought me this wooden walker with the intention of letting me practise my walking but since I know how to walk already, I cannot be bothered pushing the walker around. I might as well climb inside...See im enjoying myself inside my "little red fire engine"
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Finally!! A pic of my kitchen set
My mummy finally downloaded the pictures of my kitchen set for Auntie Joanne to see since she requested for it, hehehe
I always like to hide my toys in this compartment
Here's me again practising the skills of pushing trolley
Monday, September 17, 2007
Me and my new trolley
Today Daddy and Mummy purposely made a trip down to Toys R Us to get me this toy trolley, after seeing how much i enjoyed myself at keith kor kor's house.
I enjoyed pushing the trolley around the house and exploring the house
Im training myself to push the trolley very well so that next time when i go supermarket with mummy, i can help her to push the trolley :)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
A trip to Vivo City
My grandma had medical appt today and hence Daddy & Mummy had to take leave to accompany me and take care of me. My mummy decided to bring me to Vivo City considering there's Toys R Us and lots of shops to roam.
Our first stop is Toys R Us. My mummy has the intention to buy me a slide coz everytime when i go for Shichida class, i always wanted to play on the slide. We walked around Toys R Us but we could not decide on which slide, so got to KIV first
As we were walking, mummy saw a baby toy and she asked me to hug the baby. However i prefer to "eat" the baby's head instead
See im licking and eating the baby's head
Hmmm....the baby's head is delicious!!!
I also get to take pic with my best friend - Barney!!
I also attempted to ride on a usual, i refused to come down after that...
Thereafter we went to 3rd floor to take a stroll outside
Baby baby baby signing times....
See, im attempting to walk again
Monday, September 10, 2007
My 1st Chinese Lunar Birthday
Myspace Codes:
Today is my first chinese lunar birthday. I have already prayed to the ancestors at my Ah gong's house yesterday. My Ah gong prepared so much food but my mummy only gave me the red bun to eat :(
My mummy wanted to buy me a cake but on 2nd thoughts, she decided to get these little cakes instead. Reason being i cannot finish the whole cake and mummy had phobia of eating the whole cake by herself...Daddy and my grandma always don't helped her to finish the cake and poor mummy has to finish everything herself. As a result she grew fatter and fatter each day...
Here's some pics of the cakes that mummy & daddy bought

Friday, September 7, 2007
Playing at Giselle Jie Jie's house
My mummy helped Auntie Mildred to collect some mooncakes and hence i had the chance to go to Auntie Mildred's house to play with Giselle Jie Jie and her toys.
Initially Giselle Jie Jie don't want to play with me and i have no choice but to play with myself and the toys that Auntie Mildred passed to me
However later on, Giselle Jie Jie shared with me her small animals and we played together for a while. We only played for awhile coz i want to explore the rest of her toys :p
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Movie at Suntec - Ratatouille
My mummy and daddy brought me to watch a movie Ratatouille today.
We met Auntie Mildred, Uncle Adrian, Giselle Jie Jie, Auntie Emily, Uncle Richard and Keith gor gor there. We were late coz mummy woke up late and could not cook the porridge on time, as such we had to miss the activities. But according to Auntie Emily, the activities are more for older kids so it's ok to miss it. Phew!
We gathered at KFC before proceeding to the cinema. There's a Barney kiddy ride outside KFC and as usual, my mummy was very excited upon seeing this and put me besides Barney to take picture again!!
I enjoyed watching the movie...even the loud sound effects also don't scare me...However I become bored after watching for 15 mins and began to fuss and wanted to latch badly. Mummy has no choice but to latch me, at least she gets to enjoy the movie while im latching. I latched for quite sometime and nearly doze off but the loud sound effect woke me up. Haiz, then i decided not to latch anymore and wanted to eat biscuits. My mummy gave me a "lao hong" biscuit and i have no choice but to eat...Mummy, how long has u kept the biscuit??
Finally i decided enough is enough and when Auntie Emily gave me some biscuits i took it without any hestitation. I even helped myself to more biscuits after i finished...luckily got Auntie Emily to save my day. Thanks Auntie Emily! :)