Today kx attended her second Shichida class. i dun noe what things she learned today coz i did not sit in with her. All the mummies (Emily, Joanne and Katrina) and myself went for shopping and la kopi session. We leave the babies with their daddies and we were sort of worried whether the daddies can cope anot, kekeke....
We went shopping at Kiddy Palace and have tea break at Ah Kun. Wah, time pass so fast leh....Time dun seems to pass so fast when we were in the class...strange hor? :)
When we went to pick up the babies and daddies, we were surprised that all the daddies could managed the babies quite well and all the mummies including myself were so relieved. Well done daddies!! :)
However Sim told me that next lesson he will go and la kopi liao and i will sit in with kx again. Think he must be feeling quite stressed about the whole lesson. When i asked him what was taught in class he said he cannot remember coz he was busy "catching up with our little monkey".... I juz knew it!! Cannot depend on him to give me any output....
Can see that Terence was also feeling tired after the lesson coz he was yawning very loudly once out of the classroom, hahaha....Daryl was in a extremely good mood, kept smiling and laughing and showing his cute 4 tooth. should have taken a pic of him. Ok, i must reali take a pic of all the babies in the shichida class and post it here
poor keith has a baluku on his forehead and he seems to be tired. According to Sim, keith is doing very well in class. He has two good "chops" for ESP whereas kx and daryl only has one. Maybe when it comes to chewing things, both kx and daryl should be able to score several good "chops", hahaha
Oh ya, i bought the luvable friends booties yesterday right? Well i let kx wear to class today and guess what? the shoes are very tight and there are hardly any allowance left. But the booties are meant for 6~12 mths and im so surprised that kx could not reali fit into the booties. On 1 side im quite disappointed that she can't wear the booties, on the other side this means that kx is growing quite well coz her feet is growing, hehehe....
Well, i have already posted in the forum to sell the booties, Hope i will have some good news soon :)
Saturday, April 14, 2007
2nd Shichida Class
Friday, April 13, 2007
KKH Review
Today brought kx for her heart murmur review at KKH. Well, the murmur is still there and the pd suggested us to do a heart ultrasound for her. Im not so keen on it as the Glen E pd did mention to me before that 95% of heart murmur are innocent and some people live with it for the rest of their lives. The KKH pd, upon seeing my hestitation on the ultrasound, asked me what is stopping me from giving kx the ultrasound. Nothing is stopping me, it's juz that deep in my heart i know it's going to be an innocent murmur and yet we are exposing kx to unnecessary measure. However, to give Sim a peace of mind, we have more or less decided that kx will go for the ultrasound on 24 Apr.... Even though im quite convinced that kx's heart murmur is harmless but i will still pray that nothing will happen....
kx's latest booties
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Good Friday Gathering
Had a bbq cum gathering with the rest at teresa's house on good friday. We arrived early at her place, thinking of bringing kx for a swim....We were well prepared, swimming gear, float etc but alas, in the end, kx did not get to swim coz daryl was late in turning up and by then kx's mummy was lazy to let her swim and to bathe her again
Teresa's bernard has such beautiful eyes and i swear i have never seen such eyes before. Big and the eyelashes were curled upwards. Really very beautiful eyes....Will try to get pic and upload here
I told kx that we were going to daryl's house and that she has to be friendly to daryl (yes, i know im telling lies, supposed to say auntie teresa's house but i did not)...anyway she is really "friendly" to daryl, attacking him and trying to bite him as usual....i just don't understand why she must be so "up close and personal" with daryl....maybe she is really attracted to daryl, hahaha
Oh ya, before i forgot, her first kiss was given to keith. They were playing and dunno why their lips just touch each other's. I hope carlyn will not be jealous when she knew about this, hehehe :)
Kx refused to take her porridge that evening, just ate half a bowl and started to make noise and very cranky. My guess is she must be very tired le, so i tried to pat her and rock her to sleep. Who knows she cried even louder and was very frustrated that im trying to make her sleep. Finally, she gave in due to exhaustion and fell asleep in my arms. I thought she will at least sleep for perhaps 1 hour but no, she only slept for maybe 30 mins???
Overall, it's a good get-together session and time always pass by very fast whenever we had such gatherings. think we really need to organise a 3 days get-together session next time so that we can yak non-stop :)
Thursday, April 5, 2007
What a Nightmare!
Yesterday i had a nightmare. I dreamt that kx is packing her luggage and leaving me....she said she's going to another parents' house permanently. i was so sad that i cried non stop and my heart ache like nobody's business. The dream was so real and i could still clearly remember kx lugging her clothings and went into the arms of the so called "the other parents".....
when i woke up from the nightmare im so relieved and glad to see my little one sleeping soundly and peacefully beside me. I gave her a kiss and im so glad that it's just a stupid nightmare...Maybe im thinking too much le, i should spend more time to think of positive things instead :)
Yeah, tomorrow is HOLIDAY!! Sim and I can spend more time with our baobei. Tomorrow i have a gathering at teresa's house and i hope we will thoroughly enjoy ourselves and kx is cheery, in a good mood and very very cooperative! :)
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Kx refuse to drink milk for few days le!!!