Sunday, July 8, 2007

Happy Birthday to Daryl and Bbg!!

Today Kx attended a birthday bash by Daryl and Bbg. Daryl is going to be 1 yr old soon and Bbg 2 yrs old. Time flies isn't it? :)

I think pictures will speak a thousand words and i shall let the pictures do the "talking" :)

The birthday cake is so gorgeous right? Looks very yummy too!! :)

The "Shou Xing Gong and Shou Xing Po" (aka Birthday Boy and Birthday Girl)

Poor Daryl, kena being forced by Joanne mummy to take pics even though he's still sleeping...

And yes, here's kx and her balloons again. She really loves balloons.

Kx managed to get hold of the princess balloon and simply refused to let go. OMG, headache manz, that balloon belongs to Bbg wor...luckily before we leave, we managed to get hold of the princess balloon and gave it to Bbg. In return, kx gets a plain blue balloon, hahaha....dun worry lah, Daddy has promised to buy kx another princess balloon :)